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6 ways to raise your energy with Quantum-Touch this week

1) When we give healing we receive healing.

Research shows that people who volunteer or contribute in some way to others have lower rates of inflammation, reduce cardiovascular risk, decrease anxiety and depression and improve sleep.

A study of teens found those who spent an hour a week helping children in after-school programs had lower levels of cholesterol and inflammation than their non-volunteering peers.

Take some time this week to send a Quantum-Touch healing session to a person that needs it. They will reap the benefits of feeling this high energy and it will have a domino effect on others. We are able to reach people far and wide just by giving people one healing session.

You will feel much more elevated afterward too.- Giving is good for our health!

2) Imagine all the QTers in the Universe with you

The energy in Quantum-Touch workshops is always super high and giving healing in a group setting does really amplify the energy. You can bring this energy into your sessions at any time because energy follows thought. Set an intention to invite in all the QTers that were in your workshop with you and even all the QTers in the Universe – that would like to join your healing. Send them healing too and you will feel the response flowing back to you.

I often imagine myself surrounded by other QTers during my healing sessions and this really increases the energy!

3) Attend the festive Quantum-Touch healing party

Please join me on December 28th 2020 @ 8pm UK time for a zoom Quantum-Touch healing party. This will be a 30-minute group festive healing session where we will send healing to each other as a group. This is for people who have attended a Quantum-Touch Level 1 workshop. 

Come and join the party – Register NOW!

4) Give yourself a Chakra balance

You can use your Quantum-Touch Level 1, Level 2 or Supercharging techniques to give yourself a blissful Chakra balancing healing session. This is like giving yourself a multi-vitamin and will balance out the energy throughout your body, mind and spirit.

5) Send a bubble of Quantum-Touch healing to everyone you know

Imagine everyone you know in a clear bubble in between your hands. As you use your Quantum-Touch techniques, fill this bubble with love. This will help to bring in the feeling of connection that is so vital right now. If you know Quantum-Touch Level 2 then you can use the Energy and Essence technique to bring in the vibration of feeling connected to your loved ones. I did this during the first lockdown and it was amazing to feel the difference after I had done this. My loved ones felt this etheric connection and reached out more frequently.

6) Be very conscious about what you focus on

Whatever we focus on we will expand. Make a mindful choice to place a high percentage of your attention on information that raises your vibration. Would you like to refresh your Quantum-Touch skills by reading one of the QT books again or re-reading your handout? If you have any extra time this week then make a clear choice to enhance any aspect of your Quantum-Touch skills.

I am going to focus on running energy into cooking, art, and other creative pursuits. I look forward to playing with bringing Life Force Energy into creativity. What would you like to focus on?


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