Growing Bolder – “It’s not about age, it’s about attitude”

I have always had a very keen interest in helping the elderly and lately I have come across a website which I love so much I had to share it with you

Growing Bolder’s slogan is “It’s not about age, it’s about attitude” and their content is absolutely liberating for us all, regardless of our age.

They are changing the paradigm about what aging means. Rather than slowing down and putting your feet up in a resigned fashion, the people behind Growing Bolder are giving incredible examples of people who are doing the exact opposite. Their case studies show people taking more chances than they ever have in their lives, those who work past the age of 100 and taking each moment in the older stages of life as a reason to live more freely and boldly than ever before.

I love these people. They inspire me beyond words.

Take Barbara Beskind as an example. Barbara breezes through old stereotypes every time she goes to work. At 90 years old, she is by far the oldest member of the world-famous human-centered design team, IDEO, in Silicon Valley. Many of her co-workers are 60 or even 70 years younger.

What I feel is very poignant about Barbara’s work is that most of her projects and her personal drive revolves around designing concepts to help other elderly people. She is combining doing what she loves with helping others. This is a winning combination for happiness, health and longevity.

She explains how she landed the job simply by writing them a letter and telling them about her lifetime of creativity and acquiring skills. She also discusses how she doesn’t let her low vision affect her conceptual design work and offers advice for other seniors who may think their ability to contribute to society has passed.

Growing Bolder also puts out information to change another outdated and old school way of thinking – that long and healthy lives are a fluke.

Photo of Dr Roger LandryDr Roger Landry who is an award winning author and preventative medicine physician who specializes in empowering older adults to maximize their unique skills and talents has his insights featured on Growing Bolder’s inspiring blog.

We create a lot of luck through the lifestyle choices we make – not when we are old but right now!

Dr. Landry says 70 percent of how we age is determined by the choices we make every day. That means only 30 percent is determined by genes and as we got older, that number drops even further.

The people who are doing amazing things that are showcased on this website all say the same thing. Always do what you love!

During the Self Created Health workshops and my private sessions with people I often see recurring themes that are behind physical conditions developing.

I have worked with a substantial number of people who are coming up to retirement age and consequently develop physical conditions. There is often a suppressed fear and anger about what is ahead and having to step aside from a career they have known their whole lives. Suddenly their purpose is taken away. The trigger event behind the condition is often a situation that involves a younger colleague at work that makes them feel literally redundant. Using QT and in the SCH workshops I have assisted people with overcoming their physical conditions by helping them find a new purpose in life through learning Quantum Touch. This is hugely liberating and contributes to a feeling of renewal and heartfelt purpose.

Compare this to many others in the same age bracket who attend the Self Created Health workshop, who are there to keep their skills updated and enjoy their passion of lifelong learning. Their desire is to be the best practitioner/therapist they can be and serve others more profoundly. The oldest person I have had attend my workshops came at age 88 as a fully practicing healer.

The key here is to shift the paradigm from having to start or stop anything at any given age. The beauty of being a healing practitioner is that you decide on how far you want to go with this work. The essence of this statement is that our desire to help others is innate and will always be there. Therefore having the Quantum Touch skills to help yourself and others is a win win addition to your life.

Giving healing fulfills our inner need to share our love with others whilst having a career that is dictated by our passion rather than age. If anything, the more we age the more we grow in our abilities and knowledge. It also ticks the box of engaging in a healthy energy based lifestyle on a regular basis as recommended by Dr Landry. The choice of doing so now accrues a beautiful lifelong statement of health credits which serve you and everyone around you.

Truly, if you love the healing realm like I do it is a wonderful way to focus your time whilst in a constant state of giving. I encourage you to learn these skills for your health now and also to create an ageless and timeless way to engage with others for the long term.

Are you looking for a career change? Do you know anyone who is coming up to retirement and would like a career change to something inspirational and meaningful? Please share Quantum Touch with them and yourselves. Remember that your time is always best spent doing something you love, at any age.

This is the key to wonderful health.

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    Earlybird: £349 £399
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    This LIVE Quantum-Touch Level 2 workshop is online and spread over four 3-hour sessions.
    Earlybird: £349 £399
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    Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles

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    This Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles workshop is online and spread over 4 sessions, each session is just over 3 hours long.
    Earlybird: £349 £399
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    Earlybird: £265 £320
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    This LIVE Quantum-Touch Supercharging workshop is online and spread over four 3-hour sessions.
    Earlybird: £349 £399
  7. Quantum-Touch Self Created Health

    Quantum-Touch Self Created Health

    09:00 BST
    This Quantum-Touch Self Created Health workshop Live online over 2 days.
    Earlybird: £349 £399
  8. Quantum-Touch Level 2 Workshop Image
    Live in London

    Quantum-Touch Level 2

    09:30 BST
    This Quantum-Touch Level 2 workshop is in London spread over 2 days.
    Healing House, Bounds Green, London, N22 8DH
    Earlybird: £349 £399
  9. Quantum-Touch Level 1 Workshop Image

    Quantum-Touch Level 1

    14:00 BST
    This LIVE online Quantum-Touch Level 1 workshop starts on Tuesday 21st October and spread over 4 sessions
    Earlybird: £265 £320
  10. Quantum-Touch Level 2 Workshop Image

    Quantum-Touch Level 2

    14:00 GMT
    This Quantum-Touch Level 2 workshop is in London spread over 2 days.
    Earlybird: £349 £399
  11. Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles

    Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles

    14:00 GMT
    This Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles workshop is online and spread over 4 sessions, each session is just over 3 hours long.
    Earlybird: £349 £399

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