The more I witness the development journey that babies go through, the more fascinated I become with the natural intelligence encoded within our divine design.
One particular scenario that demonstrates this is the developmental leaps that happen to babies when they are away on holiday. One can put this down to various factors such as vitamin D and more relaxed parenting. However, the main factor that I feel inspires big leaps such as crawling, walking, talking and new skills is being in a focused, uninterrupted bubble of love and attention. Babies thrive in new and stimulating places – particularly when they are with the people that love them most. This has a direct biological influence on the brain that catapults them into their next developmental leap with ease.
Witnessing the “Holiday Effect” strengthens my belief and understanding in the way we give healing in Quantum Touch level II. We learn to hold an intended space of love and direct it very specifically to areas of the body. Bones realign in real time, pain disappears and the energy of the area transforms with immediate effect. This is the power of our love. Harnessing this energy with Quantum-TouchT Level II creates the “Holiday Effect” in the body and creates a new space for us to have our own physical, spiritual and emotional developmental leaps. Each moment spent in such a high vibration provides an opportunity for huge leaps to occur.
Tony Robbins taught me 14 years ago that changes happen as quickly as a heartbeat. He was 100% right. How blessed we are to have a practical way of applying our love using Quantum Touch.