A few months ago I was privileged enough to travel to Brazil and spend some time in the Amazon. This proved to be one of the most fascinating experiences of my life, many worlds apart from the society we have become so used to.
When we first laid eyes on the river I thought I had never seen anything so still and peaceful. I quickly realised this was a total illusion. The whole place is more alive than any city could ever hope to be.
It was during this time that I was introduced to the potent Amazonian Acai berry which I had seen in many UK health shops in tablet and powder form, promising all sorts of health benefits. I was lucky enough to have Acai juice each morning for breakfast and having it in the Amazon was an incredible way to start the day.
And so my love for Acai was born and when I returned home I found a supplier who transports frozen Acai to the UK and have continued to enjoy the benefits each morning.
My Acai experience goes way beyond just enjoying the taste and I would like to share it with you. I use this time to connect with each mouthful, in silence and stillness and put my complete awareness into conscious eating. Conscious eating involves slowing down and making mealtime a mindful, meditative process. I have discovered that when I do this and include my intent to connect to the source of the food, I can feel the life force of the Acai with each spoonful and the taste alters, becoming sweeter the more present I am. In this way I reconnect to the incredible healing properties and life force energy that exists in the Amazon, the place of the berries origin.
I encourage you to spend a few minutes each day putting your awareness and intention on connecting to the source of your food, feeling the power and the energy that exists innately within the produce that nature gives birth to. Of course, this works best when the food is as fresh as possible. Interestingly it also heightens your desire for fresh food because we are more likely to want to connect to vegetables than processed food.
I have found this to be a very expansive way to enjoy food and tune into it on many levels. As we know, when we acknowledge, give gratitude and form a connection to anything universal , it will always smile back and reveal itself to you. Eating is indeed a very spiritual way to connect with nature in all its glory…!