Do What You Love. “You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can‘t take their eyes off you.”
I adore this quote. I find every word of it to resonate through my entire being at a very deep level. Over the years of teaching QT I have met some amazing people in our special QT community and some incredibly gifted practitioners. What I have observed is that the most thriving practitioners are those that applied their QT skills to an aspect of their life that brings them tons of joy.
I have met farmers, vets and animal lovers who work mainly with animals. I have even met those that work specifically with only horses, dogs or cats. Then there are those that work specifically with sports players because they love a particular game such as golf or tennis.
Other examples are practitioners who work specifically with children, elderly, helping with structural issues such as back issues and those that use QT to passionately assist pregnant Mothers, during delivery and postnatal care.
QT is as broad as your imagination. What do you love most? What brings you joy? Start there. You will automatically enter into that high energy state of joy if you place yourself in an environment that evokes this within you.
I love the theatre and always have done. One day I prayed for the opportunity to use QT with actors. In the next workshop I taught I was gifted the chance to teach a wonderful actor starring in the Harry Potter London, West End musical.
There was a time when I was focused on teaching and sharing QT with medical professionals and those in the Health Sector. I was led to teach the staff of the biggest Homeless Charity in London, give a talk in the British Government Department of Water and Climate Change and be invited to The College of Medicine’s annual event.
Energy follows Thought. Reignite your passions and focus your intent to share QT in the places and with the people that bring out your desire to share this work. If you love art, offer Sacral Chakra healing in galleries and art classes. If you love golf, offer QT in golf clubs. If you love animals then offer QT in places where animal lovers frequent.
And if you are still deciding on what you love then try many different ways of expressing your joy. It can change at any time!
Keep me updated on all the new ways you are bringing QT into your life. I absolutely LOVE hearing them.