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History of the Self Created Health workshop?

The Initial Discovery by Richard Gordon

I woke up one morning in 1980 with severe flu symptoms: Deep chest cough, fever, sore throat, aching bones and a splitting headache. My initial thought was that I’d be sick for at least a week and probably longer.

A few weeks earlier, a teacher I had been working with suggested that all illness in one form or another was a result of various repressed emotions. So I got out of bed, sat with a piece of paper and decided to look for what I might be upset about. For the first ten minutes I looked everywhere to find an emotional issue but nothing seemed to resonate. Then I suddenly remembered that I had felt very humiliated by someone’s comment. So I let myself get angry, cry and release the intensity for about 10 minutes.

Feeling somewhat better I got dressed and drove downtown and sat in the sun having a cup of coffee when it suddenly dawned on me that I had been sick that morning. All my flu symptoms were completely gone!

By 1983 I had figured out a system for discovering emotional causation that involved using a series of carefully designed questions that are able to rapidly target the emotional cause of illness. I found that it works well over 90% of the time, but here is the amazing part… When people release the emotions of that condition, not only do symptoms go away, but people actually may feel grateful for having had the condition. The body has the ability to create symptoms to mirror emotions that we are not expressing. This is not as a dysfunction, but as a way to show us how we have stopped loving.
I realized that I had come across something quite remarkable, yet it was not ready to be published or released. I was not able to use it on myself often enough or effectively enough to feel good about sharing it. In other words, the system was incomplete.

It has taken me another 25 years till half way through 2009 to feel that I have a complete and coherent system that is easily learned and powerful enough to put my name on. Until I could exemplify the work and effectively teach it, it was not ready to be shared.

The Development of a System

I had been aware of wonderful work of Lazaris, Abraham, Byron Katy, Ho’oponopono, NLPEFT, and other systems, yet each felt valuable and incomplete, or placed at the wrong part of a process. Somehow I was able to alter and rearrange the pieces into an effective and viable system that truly works.

If there is one thing I seem to be able to do is to make processes extremely easy to understand and to use going from discovery, to release, to the insight of responsibility, to remorse, forgiveness, self love and then our unlimited nature.

Our love goes deeper than we can know, but our hurt, wounding and anger is also deeper than we want to feel. If we can heal the old wounds, the treasures of our beauty and wonder of our being can be accessed.

We don’t really walk away from our past. Although some teachers suggest various forms of “emotional bypass therapy” where you think happy thoughts, pet the cat, affirm, or manipulate your internal symbols… the bottom line is that the deeper parts are not satisfied or transformed. Imagine a terrible movie where a father mistreats his son. The son grows up in tremendous pain then moves out, goes to college, gets a great job, marries, has kids and is a great dad. This is a deeply unsatisfying story because there was no resolution. We want resolution in our own lives.

I sincerely believe that this is the most important thing I’ve discovered and have yet to present: Self Created Health. When you do the process well, I can tell you from personal experience that it is possible to know a level of self-love as great as any love I have ever experienced. We will truly go from physical and emotional distress and suffering, into profound forgiveness, love and a discovery of our infinite loving nature.

There are those who would say that I’m blaming the victim, but I would say that when you take back your power, that you can fully become yourself.

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